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  • Ruoqing Sun
    op 14 maart 2024


    We are a couple living in Hilversum and thinking about buying a house and moving to Leiden. So we are in stage of finding a local buying agent in Leiden. Our friend recommended Hans Kerkvliet to us. We are wondering if we could come to visit you in Leiden, to have a face-to-face chat with you. We are interested in understanding your service and the housing market in Leiden.

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    Best Regards,
    Ruoqing Sun

  • Masondax
    op 15 maart 2024

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  • op 31 maart 2024


  • op 1 april 2024

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  • Megan Atkinson
    op 3 april 2024

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  • Aurora Leone
    op 9 april 2024

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    Here, further details:
    * Leiden or close (I will go to Leiden university, so the priority is Leiden, but of course something neighbor is ok if there isn’t any other option)
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    Best regards!

  • op 10 april 2024


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  • Robertdax
    op 26 april 2024

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  • op 27 april 2024


  • Masondax
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  • Robertdax
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  • Clement Villeviere
    op 3 mei 2024

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    Best regards

    Clément Villeviere

  • Masondax
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  • op 5 mei 2024

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  • op 6 mei 2024


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